the Online-Game on deep Philosophy
Generationsgame - das Spiel der Generationen XPRMNT
The generationsgame is a social network set up to start the philosophical search of natures sourcecode. So its kind of the glas bead game by Hermann Hesse but different. Hesse tried to find a synthesis of the different fields in science and art, the generationsgame is looking for a sourcecode running behind the fields and expressing in the fields. This kind of search is a deeply interdisciplinary project. It needs people from all fields that like the idea. Its called generationsgame because it might take generations until the sourcecode is decoded. I think this is the next challenge for mankind after the decryption of DNA. The generationsgame is more then just a social network, its interconnected with the multimedia-event Atomklub which both are driven by the KenoNitro-Project. That makes it a multimedia and broadband platform for a new way of communicating philosophy. --> rethink the atom - sourcecode is waiting :) Greets @KenoNitro join here --> http://www.xprmnt.net Even looking ahead of this description, the generationsgame has the potencial to transform the INET into a Web3, because its giving a challenge to the people. That means its designed to let the people work on a problem in common, in teams, beeing creative and interdisciplinary. I think this would be the perfect cloud - but the cloud then is you. Its your free creative potencial forming the swarm, beeing the swarm. And excatly this makes it what it is already - the creative machine --> the future of INET. Das KenoNitro-Projekt [KN-P] ist ein progressives Label aus Berlin, welches eine eigene Philosophie vertritt. Es richtet sich an zukunftsorientierte Menschen aller Altersgruppen und untertstützt jede Form der Interdisziplinarität. Hierzu bedient es sich der beiden Subprojekte Atomklub und dem Spiel der Generationen XPRMNT. Es handelt sich bei dem Atomklub um Veranstaltungen des echten Lebens und bei dem XPRMNT um das Equivalent im Internet. Zusammen ergibt sich daraus eine multimediale und breitbandig vernetzte Plattform zur neuartigen Kommunikation von Philosophie. Angelehnt an das Glasperlenspiel von Hermann Hesse, und doch ganz anders, ist es Ziel des KN-P nicht eine Synthese der Künste und Wissenschaften zu ziehen sondern einen natürlichen Quellcode hinter den Disziplinen wiederzufinden. Das Spiel der Generationen hat begonnen. http://www.generationsgame.com