Easy Step-by-Step guide how to grow marijuana
How To Grow Weed
Today I will show you how to grow weed step by step. This is a easy and fast guide how YOU can grow your own cannabis! Most people think that it is very hard to do but i will show you all the steps you need to get a successful marijuana harvest!
Generally there are a couple of things you have to pay attention to when learning how to grow weed. However, you always have to keep in mind that cannabis is just a normal plant that grows like weeds in many southern countries, where the climate is more favorable. If you live in the USA and you want to grow cannabis outdoors you should put them outside at the end of april or the beginning of may. However, first you should grow your marijuana plants at home for 2-3 weeks until they reach a hight of around 30cm and they become robust enough to endure wind and rain.

How to grow weed outdoors
To start off you either need some weed seeds or marijuana clones. You can buy marijuana seeds online or get your clones from a friend of yours who already grows weed. For the first week of growing marijuana you should use unfertilized soil, because the young cannabis plant is still using up the nutrients that were included in the seed. During this time period you should use 18/6 lighting. That means 18h of light per day and 6h of darkness. The important thing is that absolutely no light reaches your cannabis plant during the dark period. If you want to learn more about growing marijuana, you should go to this page: How to grow weed
After your plant has reached the required hight you can finally transplant them to an outdoors location! However you have to pay attention that the soil has all the necessary nutrition your cannabis plant needs! A good way to tell if the soil has the right nutrition is if there are a lot of stinging nettles growing. Stinging nettles need exactly the same nutrition as cannabis plants, so whats good for them is also good for your marijuana plant.
How to grow weed indoors
Indoor marijuana growing has the advantage that you are not dependant on the weather or climate. However, you need the right equipment which may lead to higher inital costs (you'll definitely get back your value when harvesting).
A decent growbox can cost up to 1000USD, depending on the size. However you can also build your own cannabis growbox for as little as about 200USD. So, when growing cannabis indoors you need to keep the 18/6 lighting cycle for as long as the vegetative phase of your cannabis plant lasts. As soon as your plant starts to flower you need to change to a 12/12 cycle (12h light and 12h darkness). Moreover, for lighting you should use sodium high pressure lamps (HPS) with around 250 to 600 watts. Of course the watt number you need strongly depends on the number of marijuana plants you want to grow.
For harvesting your weed plants all you need to do is cut them down and hang them upside down for around 1 week until the buds have dried. Now you can manicure them (cutting away all the large and small leaves) and what you are left with are finished, dried marijuana buds ready to be smoked!
I hope that I could help you a little bit with this short how to grow weed guide!