Sport & Erholung
Stay fit with things everybody has at home
How is it possible to work out without equipment? No barbells, tools or maybe even a weight bench near. Or the gym is too far away or too expensive? We thought, there has to be a solution. And there is one! Follow this link http://homegym-exercises.com/ to see numerous exercises that you also can do in your living room and by the way easily. If you want to do something for your abs, take a look at our easy sixpack plan http://homegym-exercises.com/plan-abs_and_sixpack_without_weights_and_equipment.html, which can be done without any equipment at all. Another intensive erxercise is the http://homegym-exercises.com/saw_plank.html. For many exercises you only need a chair or a towel, that's it! All of the exercises are described very detailed. You have to check this out! Try it out and feel the success.